Soldiers make a profession of traveling to foreign lands and fighting battles for country, honor and to protect our way of life. But every battle must come to an end and with it the rejoicing of soldiers finally coming home. It's a glorious and joyous event when the troops return to their families and loved ones.
In this scene, I envision a simple country setting containing all the elements of home that soldiers from every branch of the military have always fought for, regardless of their place in history- security, peace, tranquility, family and community life. This is my tribute to all of the men and women who have ever served in the military-for those who have unselfishly sacrificed everything for this great country.
My inspiration for this image came from Norman Rockwell's The Homecoming Marine, the most collected cover in the rich history of the Saturday Evening Post. In this image, the well-worn bus makes its dusty way down the unpaved road. It has been down this same route many times, but never on such a joyous mission. The homecoming soldier is greeted by his family, reminding us that life can once more return to normal. My own father came home triumphantly after his generation's war. World War II was a time of extraordinary service and yet great rejoicing as the soldiers made their way home to neighborhoods, towns and cities throughout the country.
In today's world, our hope is that our soldiers will be coming home soon as well, and that their homecoming will be as joyous as the one depicted in Homecoming Hero. - TK

Thomas Kinkade - Homecoming Hero
Product Code: KINHOMC
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