Flick Ford - Wild: 75 Freshwater Tropical Fish of the World
Flick Ford’s watercolor portraits of 75 wild freshwater species from South America, Africa, Asia and Australia showcase their exquisite beauty. The accompanying text focuses on their sustainability in the wild, and how to create biotope aquariums to simulate their natural habitats in the wild. These popular fish, which gave rise to the second biggest hobby in the world—ornamental fishkeeping—face an uncertain future. Habitat maps for the 75 species, a glossary of scientific terms, anecdotal stories and advice from tropical fish breeders and collectors round out this unique book’s overview. 176 pages

Flick Ford - Wild: 75 Freshwater Tropical Fish of the World

Release Year: 2013
Size: 7 x 10
Form: hardcover book, jacketed

Product Code: FORBO5
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