A ten day trip to the Caribbean island of Trinidad and the Asa Wright Nature Center led to the creation of Twist. While these Palm Tanagers were not remotely the most colorful birds I encountered in island’s lush tropical setting, they were among the most memorable. Although a ubiquitous sight, they had developed a completely fearless attitude and were frequent visitors, not only hanging from the vines immediately outside the terrace of the main building, but in the main house as well. They proved themselves to be shameless scavengers, cheekily entering the dining room to pillage unclaimed crumbs. I even saw nests indoors, including one amazingly nestled behind a refrigerator.
From a design point of view, my interest lay in the beautiful play of curvilinear shapes and lines and the boldly abstract negative shapes they create. The addition of the swirling typeface emphasizes this concept while underscoring the graceful movement of the Palm Tanagers. - AD

Andrew Denman - Twist
Product Code: DENTW1
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