Alan Sakhavarz - Happy Hour - Great Horned Owl
Drawing, painting and sculpting are the vehicles with which Alan Sakhavarz weaves his imagination into an art form. The common thread throughout his diverse creations is his quest for understanding the human condition and the world we live in. Sakhavarz is an Iranian born, self taught artist who has worked in the tense environment of editorial rooms in Tehran and has experienced a first hand the devastating effects of political turmoil, revolution and social upheavals as an editorial cartoonist. For the past three decades, after moving to Canada, he has also established himself as an accomplished painter of landscape and wildlife of North  America.  His background has always been a constant in informing his work, hence, providing him with a unique ability to give shape to sometimes unspeakable ideas. Decades of working as an award-winning political cartoonist and journalist have given Sakhavarz this ability to visually express himself through his lyrical and heavily symbolic works.

Alan Sakhavarz - Happy Hour - Great Horned Owl

Release Year: 1995
Size: 8.5 x 8 x 6
Form: ceramic sculpture, hand painted and hand signed by the artist

Product Code: SAKHA1
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